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3000+ Courses Available

Explore our library of courses to help prepare you for exam block.

Corporations Law(LAWS3100)


Introduction to Software Engineering(CSSE1001)




Therapeutic Exercise for Physioterapy(2401AHS)


Introductory Computational Mathematics(MXB103)


Youth, Crime and Justice(2022CCJ)


Microbiology & Immunology(MICR2000)


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Optimised for retention, not cramming

We use the latest research-backed techniques so you don't have to cram the night before your exam.

Spaced Repetition

We track your progress and space out your study sessions for retention.

Active Recall

We quiz you straight from your course content for deeper understanding and retention.


Try mixing up your study session with different topics and question-types for mastery.

Inquiry-based Learning

We encourage you to ask questions, explore concepts, and discover knowledge on your own for enhanced understanding and engagement.

Academic Integrity

Learnable's mission is to help students save time and excel in their studies. We encourage students to check and follow their university's academic integrity policies and guidelines.

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